The Art and Science of Scoping: Key Lessons from a Successful Project

June 28, 2024

Introduction to Scoping a House: Why It Matters

Hey Flipsters! Buckle up because today, we're diving deep into the art and science of scoping a house. If you’re in the real estate game, you know that scoping is a game-changer when it comes to the efficiency and effectiveness of your renovation. Scoping helps you identify the potentials and the pitfalls of a property before you dive into renovations. Think of it as laying the groundwork for a successful flip. Scoping correctly hinges on your ability to assess a property’s current condition and to know where to spend money to ensure your renovation leads to a successful return.  

A good scope helps to set the table for a successful renovation. So let’s take a look at a recent project and see how scoping played a crucial role in its successful outcome.

So, why does scoping a house matter so much? Let’s break it down:

  • Uncovering Hidden Issues: The initial scoping process helps you find any major structural or foundational problems that could turn into costly surprises later. In our project, we discovered significant foundation and roofing issues right off the bat. Knowing these early allowed us to plan and budget accordingly.
  • Assessing Market Potential: Scoping isn’t just about the house itself; it’s about understanding the neighborhood and market trends. Is the area up-and-coming? Are there similar properties that have sold recently? This helps you gauge how much to invest in the property and what kind of return to expect.
  • Budgeting and Planning: A thorough scope gives you a clear picture of what needs to be done and helps you prioritize. It’s all about balancing the must-do repairs with the nice-to-have upgrades. 
  • Making Strategic Choices: With a detailed scope, you can make informed decisions about where to spend your money to get the best return on investment (ROI). Should you splurge on a new kitchen or focus on essential repairs? These decisions can significantly impact your profit margin.
  • Avoiding Over-Improvement: It’s easy to get carried away with renovations, but scoping helps you stick to what’s necessary and avoid over-improving the property. Remember, every dollar spent should add value and appeal to potential buyers without exceeding what the market will support.

Scoping is the foundation (pun intended!) of a successful house flip. By taking the time to thoroughly assess the property, you’re setting yourself up for a smoother renovation process and a more profitable outcome. So, let’s dive into how we snagged our latest project and turned it into a real showstopper!

Photo Description: A photo of a fixer-upper house with visible signs of wear and tear, such as a leaning structure and a damaged roof, highlighting the importance of scoping for potential issues before starting renovations

Snagging the Perfect Property: Finding Potential and Pitfalls

Finding the perfect project is a little like uncovering a hidden treasure! Sometimes it takes a lot of work to find the right project. Our journey started with a house that had been sitting on the MLS, just waiting for the right hunter to come along. When you’re scoping a property for purchase, it’s crucial to assess key factors like location, structural integrity, and market potential. In this case, the house was in a great neighborhood, but needed some serious love.

Kitchen before and after renovations

Here’s what you need to look for when assessing a home’s  potential and identifying any pitfalls:

  • Location, Location, Location: The neighborhood plays a huge role in the potential value of a property. Is it in a desirable area? Close to schools, parks, and amenities? For our project, the house was located in a very nice neighborhood in Round Rock, which was a big plus despite its condition.
  • Structural Integrity: Before you get too excited, check the bones of the house. Major issues like foundation problems, roof damage, or structural instability can be deal-breakers or at least require significant investment to fix. Our project had serious foundation and roof issues, which we had to address right away.
  • Market Potential: Look at recent sales in the area to understand what similar homes are going for. Are prices rising? Is the area up-and-coming? This helps you determine if the property is worth the investment. We found that despite the house's issues, the market potential in the neighborhood was strong, making it a worthwhile project.
  • Property Condition: Sometimes the most promising properties are those that look the worst. Cosmetic issues are much easier (and cheaper) to fix than structural ones. Our house needed a lot of TLC, but we saw the potential beneath the surface grime.
  • Financial Viability: Calculate the estimated costs of necessary repairs and compare them to the potential resale value. Will you still make a profit after all is said and done? This step is crucial to ensure you’re making a sound investment. For us, the numbers made sense even with the significant repairs needed.
  • Future Improvements: Consider what improvements can be made to add value. Can you open up the floor plan? Add modern amenities? Knowing what upgrades are possible and how they align with buyer preferences in the area can help you plan your renovation.

Finding the perfect property is all about seeing beyond the surface and identifying both its potential and its pitfalls. With a keen eye and thorough assessment, you can turn even the most daunting fixer-upper into a show-stopping home. Let's take a closer look at how we budgeted and planned for our project!

Our project was located in a desirable area North of Austin

Budget Like a Pro: Balancing Needs vs. Wants

Alright, Flipsters, let’s talk money. Setting a realistic budget is key, y’all. When you’re tackling a house flip, it’s crucial to balance the must-do repairs with the nice-to-have upgrades. For this project, we allocated $102,000, with a whopping $30,000 going just for foundation and roof repairs. Yes, you read that right! It’s all about making strategic choices. Prioritizing essential repairs, like fixing a leaning house, over cosmetic upgrades can make or break your flip. 

Here’s how to budget like a pro and strike the perfect balance between needs and wants:

  • Set a Realistic Budget: Start with a comprehensive budget that covers all potential expenses, including purchase price, repairs, permits, and contingencies. Make sure to leave some wiggle room for unexpected costs. We set our budget at $102,000 to cover all necessary expenses.
  • Prioritize Essential Repairs: Focus on the must-do repairs that are critical to making the house structurally sound and sellable. For us, this meant dedicating $30,000 to foundation and roof repairs. These are the big-ticket items that can’t be ignored.
  • Evaluate Cost vs. Value: When considering upgrades, think about the return on investment (ROI). Will the expense significantly increase the home’s value? It’s all about getting the most bang for your buck. For example, instead of replacing cabinets, we painted them to save costs while still giving the kitchen a fresh look.
  • Plan for Contingencies: Always expect the unexpected. Set aside a portion of your budget (usually around 10-15%) for unforeseen issues that might arise during the renovation. In our project, weather delays caused some unexpected costs, but we were prepared.
  • Balance Needs and Wants: While it’s tempting to splurge on high-end finishes, it’s important to differentiate between what’s necessary and what’s a luxury. Stick to your budget and focus on changes that will have the highest impact. 
  • Monitor Spending: Keep a close eye on your expenses throughout the project. Regularly compare actual spending to your budget and adjust as needed to stay on track. This helps prevent overspending and ensures you’re making financially sound decisions.

Budgeting like a pro means making strategic choices that maximize your ROI while keeping your project on track and within budget. By prioritizing essential repairs and making smart design decisions, you can transform a fixer-upper into a show-stopping home without breaking the bank. Now, let’s dive into how we managed those tough repairs and renovations in our project!

Sanding and painting the existing cabinets helped keep renovation costs down

Managing Repairs and Renovations: Tackling the Tough Stuff

Managing major repairs can be daunting, but you’ve got this! On this project, we had to dig 40 feet to fix the foundation—talk about dedication! Handling unexpected delays, like weather impacts, is part of the game. We faced a monsoon season that filled our foundation holes with water, delaying the project. But we kept pushing forward. The key is to stay flexible and keep your eye on the prize. Remember, it’s fixing the tough stuff that will make the biggest difference to a new buyer when you go to sell.

Here’s how to tackle those tough repairs and renovations like a pro:

  • Create a Detailed Plan: Start with a clear plan outlining all the necessary repairs and renovations. Prioritize tasks based on their importance and sequence. For our project, fixing the foundation was the first and most crucial step.
  • Hire Skilled Professionals: Don’t cut corners when it comes to hiring contractors. Skilled professionals ensure that the work is done right the first time, saving you time and money in the long run. We brought in an experienced foundation crew to handle the (literal) heavy lifting.
  • Stay Flexible and Adaptable: Be prepared for the unexpected. Weather delays, supply issues, and other unforeseen challenges can throw a wrench in your plans. 
  • Prioritize Safety: Ensure that all repairs, especially structural ones, meet safety standards. This not only protects future occupants but also adds value to the property. 
  • Monitor Progress Closely: Regularly check in on the progress of the repairs and renovations. Stay involved and make sure everything is going according to plan. This helps catch any issues early and keeps the project on track.
  • Keep Communication Open: Maintain clear and constant communication with your contractors. Address any concerns or changes promptly to avoid misunderstandings and delays. 
  • Budget for Contingencies: Set aside a contingency budget for unexpected expenses. Repairs can uncover hidden issues that need to be addressed immediately. Having a financial cushion helps manage these surprises without derailing your project.
  • Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all repairs, costs, and communications. This documentation is invaluable for tracking progress, managing expenses, and providing transparency to future buyers.

Managing repairs and renovations is all about staying organized, flexible, and proactive. By tackling the tough stuff head-on, you ensure that the property is safe, sound, and ready for the market. Now, let’s move on to the fun part—maximizing ROI with smart design and market strategies!

Foundation work on this project was extensive and part of the value we added to the property


Scoping a house is both an art and a science, and with the right approach, you can turn any fossil into a sparkling gem. From setting a realistic budget and tackling tough repairs to making smart design choices and leveraging market conditions, we’ve covered all the bases to ensure your next flip is a success.

If you're ready to dive into the world of house flipping but want the backing of a professional and experienced team, look no further than Homemade. At Homemade, we’re here to solve the needs of aspiring flippers, like you! Our turnkey house flipping service means our team will be with you every step of the way. We’ll deliver investment-grade properties straight to your inbox, help you design your project to maximize ROI, oversee all the renovations, and handle all the permitting requirements. Along the way, we’ll hook you up with our vetted network of service providers for financing, insurance, and staging. Whether you plan to sell or hold the property, we’ll be with you arm-in-arm to execute your exit plan. We’ve taken the outdated and frustrating house flipping process and turned it into a seamless and rewarding experience. If you’ve always wanted to flip a house, head on over to and apply to work with us.

Don’t miss out on the full story of our epic project! Check out the actual podcast episode and watch it in full on our Austin Flipsters YouTube channel. Cheers to flipping success, my friends!

Lauren Ahrens
Austin Flipsters/Homemade Co-Founder

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